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Power Test Equipment arrow Relay testing arrow 2.5kV and 12kV test sets
2-On site transformer test systems20 position MTE calss 0.05

2.5kV and 12kV test sets

2.5kV and 12kV test sets
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Product Name: 2.5kV and 12kV test sets
Product Category: Relay testing

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Capacitance and Dissipation Factor (C&DF) Test Sets areused for evaluating the nature and quality of electricalinsulation materials and systems.By measuring dissipation factor losses in electricalinsulation, these units can indicate the presence ofcontaminants, fractures and punctures.As part of a routine maintenance program, capacitanceand dissipation factor testing can aid in predictingpotential failure of deteriorating insulation.The C&DF Test Sets include interference suppressioncircuits that assure accurate measurements even undersevere interference or noise conditions such as thosefound in switchyards.They are the lightest test sets on the market, making themextremely easy to transport to the testing locations.Automatic balancing of dissipation factor (power factor)significantly reduces the required testing time and provideshigher resolution.Two types of C&DF Test Sets are available: one formeasuring dissipation factor losses at test voltages up to2.5 kV; the other up to 12 kV.The 12 kV version consists of two units, a measuringbridge and a high-voltage power source. The 2.5 kVversion combines both units in one self-contained test set.


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2.5kV and 12kV test sets (64,48 KB)