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Relay testing
1 phase relay test set SVERKER650
The Sverker™650 testing unit, whose design incorporates benefits gleaned from many years of experience in field relay testing, enjoys a well-earned reputation for reliability and convenience. Compact and powerful, it provides all of the functions needed f

1 phase relay tester SMRT1
The SMRT1 test system has the ability to be manually controlled with Megger’s new Smart Touch View Interface™

2.5kV and 12kV test sets
Capacitance and Dissipation Factor (C&DF) Test Sets are used for evaluating the nature and quality of electrical insulation materials and systems.

3 phase Relay test set FREJA306
FREJA™ 306 is the latest member of the relay testing equipment from Megger, quick and easy to use, like the FREJA 300.

3 phase relay test set MPRT
MPRT is specifically designed to perform routine testing of
protective relays used in the operation of electric utilities,
power plants and heavy industrials.

Accessories CSU20A & PSS750
CSU20A is a small light-weight current and voltage source primarily intended to work together with the SVERKER 750/760 Relay Testing Unit when testing differential relays.
The Phase Selector Switch PSS750 is specifically designed to work with

Combo relay test set SMRT
Small, rugged, lightweight and powerful. Operate with or without a computer. Intuitive manual operation with Smart Touch View Interface. High current, high power (60 Amps/300 VA rms) per phase. Network interface provides IEC 61850 test capabilities. Fully

Current amplifier CA30
Higher voltages are often needed to provide test currents for older electro-mechanical relays. The three-phase switched current amplifier designated CA30 solves this problem.

Network protective set NTS300
The NTS-300 is a self-contained, two-piece test set designed for complete testing of General Electric and
Westinghouse secondary network protectors.

Network relay test system NRTS2
The NRTS-2 Network Relay Test System consists of the necessary single-phase and three-phase ac current and voltage sources to calibrate network relays accurately and efficiently.

Power supply B10E
B10E can be used to test breaker coils in this manner. It provides a ripple-free variable DC voltage that can easily accommodate a high, variable load.

Relay test modules AVTS
Relay test modules help Megger AVTS customers save time and money in automated testing of protection relays.

Relay test software AVTS
Advanced Visual Test Software, is the culmination of over 19 years of automatic relay testing experience. It is a totally new concept in relay testing software.

Relay test software FREJAWin
In FREJA™ Win, the all-round General instrument program serves as a convenient, easy to understand, user-friendly toolbox. On the Connect page, you can enter information about how to connect the relay, including pictures if so desired.

Relay Test System SMRT410
The SMRT410 provides a complete multi-phase test system for commissioning of protection systems. With up to 4 voltage channels a 6 high currents, the SMRT410 meets every testing need.

Smart 3 phase relay test set SMRT
Small, rugged, lightweight and powerful.Operate with or without a computer.Intuitive manual operation with Smart Touch View Interface. High current, high power (60 Amps/300 VA rms) per phase. Network interface provides IEC 61850 test capabilities. Fully a

SMRT36D Smart relay test system
The SMRT36D is a multipurpose, light-weight, field portable test set with built-in user interface, called the Smart Touch-View Interface™