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High current loop tester LT300HV DC Test Set

High-Pot Tester

High-Pot Tester
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Product Name: High-Pot Tester
Product Category: AC Test Set

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AC and AC/DC High-Pot Testers available from Megger are designed for safety and ease of operation, and readily adapt to development, maintenance or production testing. Three models are available: two ac and one ac/dc. The AC High-Pot Testers feature a front-panel, NEMA 5-15R three-prong output receptacle. Booted, alligator-clip output and return probes are also supplied with all models.


Test voltage is continuously adjustable from zero to full output, with a zero-start interlock. Leakage current trip level may be adjusted from 0.3 to 12 mA by a front-panel knob. Pushbuttons are provided to select one-second or continuous testing, to turn off the high voltage and to reset the instrument. All high-voltage connections are recessed to prevent accidental contact with high voltage.



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High-Pot Tester (253,59 KB)