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Power Test Equipment arrow Digital micro-ohmmeters arrow MJÖLNER 600 Microhmmeter
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MJÖLNER 600 Microhmmeter

MJÖLNER 600 Microhmmeter
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Product Name: MJÖLNER 600 Microhmmeter
Product Category: Digital micro-ohmmeters

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The MJÖLNER™600 is designed to measure the resistance of circuit breaker contacts, bus-bar joints, contact elements in busbars and other high-current links. The product has been designed with safety, ease of use and versatility in mind.

The microhmmeter conducts true DC ripple free current and can be used anywhere to measure a low resistance value with high accuracy. With MJÖLNER 600 it is possible to make measurements according to the DualGround™ method. This means that the test object will be grounded on both sides throughout the test giving a safer, faster and easier workflow.

Choose the MJÖLNER 600 with excessive power resources for demanding applications, superior measurement accuracy and when 300 Amp continuous is required.


Downloads (Data-sheet, Catalogues)
MJÖLNER 600 Microhmmeter (1,31 MB)