New Products

General Clampmeter
1500A TRMS clamp meter type DCM1500
Measuring up to 1500 A ac or dc the DCM1500 also offers 750 Vac
and 1000 Vdc ranges making the instrument ideal for use in the
installation, maintenance, monitoring or checking of large a.c. or
d.c. electrical systems and equipment.

200 A Fork multimeter DCM330
The Megger DCM330 Fork Multimeter is a convenient, compact instrument designed to measure ac current up to
200 A, and perform all the functions of a basic multimeter.

400 A current clampmeter DCM310 and DCM320
The DCM310 and DCM320 are ideal clamp meters for use during the installation, maintenance and checking of electrical systems and equipment.

600 A Clamp multimeter DCM340
The DCM340 is a highly versatile instrument and ideal for use in the installation, maintenance, monitoring or checking of a.c. or d.c. lectrical systems and equipment.

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