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Cable Locators / Route Tracers
Cable fault locator type Easyloc series
■ Make optimum preparations for your
building work, quickly and reliably
■ Semi-automatic sensitivity control
■ Depth measurement, even without
■ Compatible with other location systems
■ High-performance transmitter
■ Big display with e
TDR2000/3, TDR2010 and TDR2050
TDR2000/3, TDR2010 and TDR2050 are state of the art, dual channel, high resolution, compact Time Domain Reflectometers with a colour screen for locating faults on paired metallic cables.
TDR900 Cable Length Meter
The Megger TDR900 is an advanced instrument capable of measuring cable lengths and finding distance to an open or a short using Time Domain Reflectometry.
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